1/16 ENDINGS: " QARABAGH - 2 " 0 - 1 "BAKILI"

13 Sep 2006
1/16 ENDINGS: " QARABAGH - 2 " 0 - 1 "BAKILI"
"Qarabagh-2" - V.Naumov, M.Medvedev, Y.Yaqubov, F.Rahimov, R.Aliyev, N.Yusifov, S.Xasaylı, M.ALiyev (F.Huseynov,83), F.Haqverdiyev(R.Aliyev,69), A.İsmayılov, R.Qafarlı (O.Bashirov,55).
Chief coach: Elshad Xudadatov.
"Bakılı" - S.Baydamirov, S.SHahbazov (İ.İbrahimov,80), A.Huseynov, A.Mammadaliyev, N.Amirov, T.Qasımov, A.İsmayılov, R.Balakishiyev, A.Zeynalov, S.Quliyev, T.Rzayev (Sh.Adilov,76).
Chief coach: Shahin Shahhuseynli.
Goal: T.Rzayev, 54 min..
Not looking at that that game has begun easy our command was full of desire to score a goal. The first goal a situation was lead with a command "Qarabagh-2". After pass of impact of Rza has passed Yasin a bit by a gate. 5 minutes later only success has helped the opponent after powerful impact of Afran. On 40 minute Namik has received a red card. Having remained in minority, our command has forced out from field Rufat on 43 minute...
In the second time visitors have opened the account. Taimuraz has executed 1 meter impact with accuracy and the account became: 0-1.
After that "Qarabagh-2" the account but game wished to change has come to the end with this account...