As “Qarbagh” Football team ptotected the referee of last game championship in Azerbaijan with “Baki” AFFA gathered to ake under desicion of this issue. Kommission consisted of the main clark Fuad Esedov, the head referees comission Eli Huseynov, Eleddin Aghayi, Melik Hesenov and Vidadi Ahmedov. There were discussed three episodes which got the last game.
The first episode, which was on 7th minutes of the came had been come to the mind that yellow card was true. But the next apisode was the same mind that red card had to show for Rafael Emirbeyov.
What about Fuad Esedov:” It is very clear that forvard was the nearest to the ball than goalkeeper. The referee made a rough mistake. So he had to got bad marks.” Other members agreed with Esedov.
The penalty against to “Qarabagh” created after pass of the person who had to left the playground for taking red cards. If he got red in the minutes of 22, result of the would be another.
The comission looked up this problem the next time. Today declared news about this topic, on the offical site of AFFA: “ The XX tour the game of “Qarabagh” - “Baki” Azerbaijan league, the referee Rovshan Ahmedov fobidded to take any participations for five mathces”