14 Apr 2006
Within the framework of 23-rd round of the championship of Azerbaijan team "Garabagh" will accept team "Inter" applying on a rank of the champion. In a threshold of a match mood in a team rose in connection with returning of the injured players. Zoran Chilinshek Guseyn Iskenderov has started to train in full force. Samir Musaev which already during 3 matches could not leave on a field this time will help the team. He did not hide that expected this match with impatience: "Three games I cannot Already help the team. To observe of game as the fan was intolerable for me. Already penalties have come to the end and in forthcoming game I shall note the returning by a goal or goals... "
And other members of a team prepare for game with effort. They are confident, that three points which they will earn, will strengthen confidence of a team:
Aslan Karimov: "We are not weaker than other clubs and we have proved it. And in forthcoming game forces will suffice to win the team applying for a rank of the champion. "
Mushfig Guseynov taking place in team "Garabagh" together with Aslan has expanded this idea: "If you win in game, with a team applying on a rank of the champion that game with other steams to become more easy. It is psychology and children understand it even. Three points are very important for our team... "