9 Apr 2006
U-21 (the STARTING PERSONNEL): Kamran Agayev, Sasha Yunusoglu, Natiq Qasımov, Ceyhun Adıshirinov, Vladimir Levin, Ruslan Amircanov, Nakim Valiyev, Tarlan Xalilov, Ramal Huseynov, Murad Agakishiyev, Farid Quliyev.
"Garabagh" - Cahangir Hasanzada (Vitaliy Kovalyov),Zoran Cilinshek(Orxan Bashirov), Farid Haqverdiyev,Ramiz Huseynov (Elnur Mammadzada),Vasif Haqverdiyev, Elmir Xankishiyev, Mehran Aliyev (Afran İsmayılov), Qoqa Beraya, Mushviq Huseynov (Rauf Aliyev),Samir Musayev.
Game for a national team was characterized by preparation before a match in Turkey, and for "Garabagh" as check of perspective youthful players.
Game began in quiet spirit and on 19th to minute Farid Guliyev from team "Garabagh" has scored a goal in a gate of a national team. On 19th to minute not looking at that that impact of Mushfig Guseynov the judge has touched a hand of the defender nevertheless has not dared to appoint with a foul shot. The first time has come to the end with duration of 35 minutes with the account 0:1.
In second time Boyukaga Agayev has released on a field of football players of 1988-89 of a birth and has created them conditions to put on the form against a national team. On the first minutes of a match the mistake of the goalkeeper has led to that that Farid has hammered in the double. Last minutes Elmir Guseynov has scored a goal from penalty kick earned Afran Ismailov. And then that the national team was distinguished once again that a match has come to the end with the account 1:3 for the benefit of a national team.
After game Boyukaga Agayev has told that is pleased with game of young players of team "Garabagh". And especially game of Afran Guseynov.