20 Aug 2006
Conference devoted to game "Gilan" - "Qarabagh" took place пресс. As the first our main trainer Bejukaga Agaev has acted: the command "Gilan" has shown beautiful game. Not looking at that that at me I am not enough information on this command all did not expect from them such game. I congratulate mister Faig for creation of such command. That as to game that I commands was in the superiority. Many times could not take advantage goal situations. Not conformity weeding standards too has affected. As a whole I am happy with the command. Now an overall objective of our command is preparation for a match with command "Neftchi" and to leave on a floor with optimum structure... "
Then the main trainer of a command "Gilan" Faig Djapparov has acted: "my command is young. And experience should affect this game and so it and happens. I am happy with football players. The account was to game. "