25 May 2006
"GARABAGH" - C.Hasanzade (V.Kovalyov, 46), S.Sokolov, B.Ilich, A.Mamedov , A.Karimov (F.Haqverdiyev, 87), R.Huseynov (E.Xankişiyev, 46), V.Haqverdiyev, R.Huseynov, Q.Beraya (M. liyev, 87), S.Musayev (N.Yusifov, 72), M.Huseynov (F.Quliyev, 56).
Goal: S.Musayev - 14, 30 mines; R.Huseynov - 62; F.Quliyev-86 minutes
Game has begun and on 3rd minute Vasif Hagverdiev has played a hand after angular submission of the opponent. A mistake of comrade has corrected by Djahagir Gasanzade having reflected penalty impact. And it was the unique dangerous moment created by visitors for all match.
The account has opened on 15 minute. Having received пасс Gogi Berai from the center Samir Musaev magnificent impact has leaded a ball above a head of the goalkeeper. On 29th the Sokolov having beaten three football players of the opponent has transferred minute ball to Azer. And it пасс was used by Samir Musaev 2:0.
In the second time "Garabagh" has made two replacements, and the opponent has changed all structure. As a result of it the new players who have left on a floor for 10 minute have played little bit better "Garabagh" and have replaced that the account of a match. However, since 55th minute all over again Ramiz Guseynov and then Farid Guliev having invited the opponent in a midfield has won two structures of a command "Olimpik". 4-1 also it is additional stimulus for "Garabagh" before the next round of the championship.