18 Sep 2006


Predictably game has begun tensely. From first minutes of attempt to make pass of each other came to an end with mistakes at both commands in connection with agitation of players. The greatest losses were in structure of our command. And so Azera Mamedov and Sergey Sokolova s absence was greater impact for protection. However Boyukaga Agaev arrangement of two central defenders of Aslan and Romal on corners was a tactical move against the opponent. And process of game has shown that our main trainer was not mistaken. Basically hopes of the opponent on Zaur and George were not justified. And the reason of that they have not distinguished in this game if to tell lips of the main trainer of their command that is not that they not in the form of, and that that protection of a command "Qarabagh" was exact... That as to game not looking at some advantage of the opponent in a midfield nevertheless they could not move ahead. On the contrary Dangerous голевую the situation was created with our command. By the end of a time the goalkeeper hardly could reflect Samira Musaev impact from a penal zone. Later impact Romal hardly passed a gate of the opponent. And in second time Samir hardly was has not opened the account. And arrival of Kenan on a floor hardly was has not ended with a goal... Game has come to the end with a drawn game without a goal...


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