16 May 2006
Gogh Beraja – the HERO of LAST MATCH...
Our football player managed to lead behind itself a command which is being a condition of loss with the account 0:1 in the beginning of the first minutes of the second time from a distance of 25 meters having made tremendous impact has not left to the goalkeeper of a command of the opponent any chance. This goal became a point of turn for a victory of a command...
Get acquainted with this football player more close:
- How you recollect the arrival to football?
- To me there were 8-9 years. We have created a command on the court yard from children. As my father was the football player that it helped us with trainings. Even I remember, how we were pleased, when have written paint on t-shirts the names. Thus, we played friendly matches with other commands.
In one day so it has turned out that we have met command “Poti”. This match has come to the end with the account 3:3 and some children from us have been invited in this command. Thus, I and my brother have begun the first steps here...
- You have chosen role of the defender since then or...
- Yes in domestic football I liked to play the center.
- But your brother plays attacking....
- Unlike the menu at it the feeling of a goal is better developed. And besides during when we were in Russia Ика struggled for a rank бомбардира. This one of not numerous distinctions between us.
- How you recollect the arrival to Azerbaijan?
- We acted in Stavropol in a command “Dinamo”. And as Rasim Abishev earlier in this club that it too acted knew us as participants of a youth command of this. Later it has suggested us to arrive to Azerbaijan...
- And why in a command "Gandja"?
- I cannot tell it. Simply we have expressed desire to play to a command with the good trainer. And it has offered this club. After 10-15 days mister Shahin has told, that will sign with us the contract. And thus we have remained in Azerbaijan.
- You a year and a half are in Azerbaijan. What game was remembered to you most of all?
- In the past to year game with a command “Karvan” was the most remembered. The match has come to the end with the account 1:1.
- If I am not mistaken, your first goal has fallen on this game.
- Yes, from distance of 20-25 meters my impact has turned out magnificent and exact.
- How it has turned out, what you have got in “Garabagh”?
- My business went normally in the previous command. Year has played in this command. But suddenly as a result of change of the trainer the command has broken up. Also there were many variants during this period, and I with the brother have chosen “Garabagh”.
- 4 months as you are in a command “Garabagh”. What to you to like and what to you to not like in our command?
- The main thing that that I am now pleased that have come to this command. Because “Garabagh” it has appeared above expected concerning a local climate. Here all to me on a shower. Children, the trainer and certainly a management.
- You receive a place in the personnel in all games “Garabagh”. And in last match you were one of the best. Has hammered in an excellent goal. Impressions..
- To be the best for me has no special value. The main thing that what to be the participant of success of a command. That as to a goal it has really liked me. From distance 25-27 impact has turned out exact. I thank children for this goal. I think, that the basis of the earned success of our command consists in unity to discipline and in belief in a victory of a command.
- And besides “Garabagh” the finalist of a cup. Whether as your way we can receive a cup?
- “Garabagh” has taken away a cup from the last year s champion and I think, what exactly our command is worthy, to lift it above the head. “Garabagh” it deserves all structure. I very much would wish to present our President to management a cup instead of their work in relation to us...