8 Jul 2006
Today one of known football players of Turkey play-maker Hakan Demir has signed the official contract with Football Club "Garabagh"...
Today in hotel "Patalya" where Football Club "Garabagh" has settled down has passed an official meeting of signing of the contract. Having acted with an opening address, Executive Director of club Emrah Chelikel has expressed the pleasure that very known football player of Turkey henceforth will protect glory of a command "Garabagh" in the championship of Azerbaijan. Then the main trainer of a command has declared that search of the player for an average zone has given the result and with this player the structure of a command became even stronger. Then the main trainer has expressed the opinion in occasion of the new command: "I express the gratitude to a management " Garabagh ", to trainers for the trust rendered to me, and also to football players for the hearty welcome rendered to me. For that short time which I have stayed here I can tell, that we as a command shall achieve greater results. I ask to speak, that I shall make every possible to become the shareholder of success of a command. "
Protected glory "Gandjlarbirliyi", "Buraspor", "Atalyaspor" Hakan Demir is the player of a command "Garabagh".
Was born in 1975 in Izmir. Has started to play football from 10 years at school "Goztepe" and its first professional command was "Alti North ". Here in current of 2 years having shown good football has received the invitation in 1992 from club "Altai".
In 1994 has concluded the contract with "Gandjlarbirliyi" till 2000 year. Since 2000-2002 was in "Buraspor", 2002-2006 in "Antalyaspor"...
Has hammered in 32 goals in super league two times has received rank of ASIST KRAL. 5 years a name the MOST GENTLEMAN S FOOTBALL PLAYER on end received...