4 Aug 2006
In connection with participation of legionaries in XV championship of Azerbaijan and in competition for the Cup and also with the purpose of realization of decision X of conference AFFA the created commission the order of President AFFA behind number 7 from July, 28th of 2006 year having considered the accepted documents, yesterday has passed the decision. According to the decision the defender of our command of a national command Sergey Sokolov will not be considered as the legionary. This decision was affected by that this football player also protects honor of a combined team. After those decisions we at once have contacted our football player and have learned its opinion: "I very much was delighted to this decision. I also receive the invitation in a national command. I shall do every possible to justify trust here and in my club. For me honor to be the player of the National command of Azerbaijan and a command " GARABAGH "..."
According to decision AFFA of 15 more players not will to be considered as legionaries. Here these football players:
1. Nurmahammad Murtuzaliyev
2. Konstantin Qusev
3. Vladimir Levin
4. İlqar Abdulrahmanov
5. İlqar Qurbanov
6. Daniel Axtiyamov
7. Yuri Muzıka
8. Osman Umarov
9. Timur İsrafilov
10. İbrahim Mirzamaqamayev
11. Taqim Novruzov
12. Arif Dashdamirov
13. Mixail Kitelman
14. Emin Agayev
15. Ahmad Qurbanov
Othe r14 footballers will be considered as legionaries in XV Campionship:
1. Aleksandr Certoqanov
2. Qeorqiy Adamiya
3. Aleksandr Qodober
4. Nazar Bayramov
5. Aleksandr İnskiveli
6. Dmitriy Parxomenko
7. Valentin Vshitalyuk
8. Yevqeni SHuman
9. Aleksandr Babak
10. Tomislav Mishura
11. Tengiz Sicinava
12. İssa Nikiyema
13. Qoca Trapaidze
14. Serqey Cernyak.
The championship of Azerbaijan will begin tomorrow.