9 Sep 2006
The owner of the Cup of the country FK "Qarabagh" will begin struggle for a cup in army sports stadium. FC "Qarabagh" finishes preparation for game with command MOIK within the limits of 1/16 endings. The command spends preparation in the evening once a day in stadium in Surahani. Our four football players who are in structure of a national command too have adjoined the command. As Sergey Sokolov has returned with a small trauma that it is under supervision of doctors. Not looking at that as other our damaged players have returned to structure it will not be known who to participate in games of the championship yet and who in forthcoming game. Here opinion of main trainer Bejukagy Agaev: " I am happy with a today s condition of a command. Hakan and Mubariz have completely adjoined a command. And Azer will help a command with game of the championship. İrakli too it was rehabilitated and it is now borrowed by physical preparation. And I think that all this will help me to construct desirable game in a command... "
It is necessary to remind that a command "Qarabagh-2" having won a command "Sharur" (8:0) it is possible to tell that has earned the permit in 1/16 endings. And the contender of this command will be a command "Bakili".