24 Jun 2006
"Zimbru" it is the most known club of Moldova. Considering that that, this club represents Moldova since Soviet times this club it is possible to name a leader of this country. The team during various times acted with various names and only in 1991 year began to refer to "Zimbru". Having formed in 1947 year the command "Zimbru" since times of purchase of independence of 8 times became the champion of the country. And also the name the quadruple world champion concerns to a command "Zimbru".
The command has lead 42 games in the Europe and half of these games it has appeared the lost party.
The structure basically consists from the Romanian. Not looking at that that the command consists of legionaries here still there are two Armenians.
In last national championship the command has taken the second place and has earned the permit in UEFA. Bombardier of this club is Sergey Kirilov taken the second place most is, having hammered in 11 goals.
Here interview of main trainer Igor Tabanova from an official site of this club: "Also has accepted a toss-up normally. However, I have no detailed knowledge of the Azerbaijan football, but I know, that prefer technical football. In any case that fact, that they have received a cup of the country speaks about from a level... "
Official color of club it is yellow-green.
Game takes place on July, 13th in Kishinev in new stadium.