7 May 2006
"Gandja" 1-2 "Garabagh"
The account could be opened on 5-th minute. However the goalkeeper could keep impact Ramiz Guseynov after pass Vasif Hagverdiyev. In spite of the fact that 14th minute was remembered Gogi Berai s by impact the account has not been opened. 3 minutes later the account has been opened. After passа Azer Mamedov, Vasif Hagverdiyev having taken a ball, diagonal impact has lead it through a head of the goalkeeper to a grid of a gate: 1-0.
On 27th minute from a distance of 17-18 meters Sokolov s impact having concerned racks passed a gate. A minute later the goalkeeper again could catch Gogi s impact. Game which proceeded on one party of a gate on 36th minute on the owners of a field first attack has come to the end with a goal. Pasha Aliev has taken advantage of a mistake of defenders: 1-1.
Samir Musaev left on a floor in the second time on 59th minute after pass of Azer Mamedov has made impact by a head and the goalkeeper as could not keep a ball: 2-1.
After those players of a command "Garabagh" which could not use goal episodes, in the third goal have hammered by means of Romala Guseynov. But the judge, having counted game Ромала Guseynov by a hand has not included this goal.
Last minute impact Mushfig Guseynov having jumped aside from a bar of a gate, has sounded singing the judge and "Garabagh" in history of football of Azerbaijan has registered 200-th victory.