2 Oct 2006


Organized under the initiative of the Baku Football Federation superiority of Baku already comes to an end. According to the charter of this competition in it children of 1987-89 of a birth should to participate, but the command "Qarabagh" has joined this competition by perspective children of 1988-89 of a birth. In a competition proceeded up to the end of round "Qarabagh" became the BAKU CHAMPION. This success became possible owing to a champion victory over a command "Tahsil" with the account 9:0 and also above a command pursued us a command "Olimpik" and also a drawn game with command "Neftchi" with the account 1:1. And the second place will be borrowed with the winner of a match "Olimpik" - "MОIК". The congratulation of winners is planned for October, 28th. The main trainer of a command of winner Elshad Hudadatov: " I am grateful to all those who tried for the sake of this victory. It is especially grateful to a management of club for the rendered material and spiritual support.


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