2 Aug 2006


Football club "Qarabagh" has begun preparation for XV National championship. The command will spend preparation of times to day in stadium in Surahani and basically will pay attention to easy preparation. The damaged Sergey Sokolov was limited only to run, and Hakan Demir and Azer Mamedov will begin trainings from now on. And Beraya which has been damaged in the last season already in full force of the beginnings of training. Already precisely it is known, that it will help the command with this championship. That football players prepare with greater enthusiasm pleases trainers. Besides Mubariz Orujov too have started trainings with a command. The main trainer of command Beyukaga Agaev has informed on last situation in a command: After a match with a command "Zimbru" the psychological condition of a command was unimportant. Our first purpose was that to deduce a command from this situation and today I can tell that we have achieved it. Now all of us have collected forces for preparation for the championship. Now our damaged players start trainings. In the first round we shall meet a command "Shahdag" on August, 10th instead of the planned meeting with a command "Karvan". I trust that till this day all our problems with the damaged players to be solved and the command will begin the championship with optimum structure... "


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