8 Oct 2006
"Qarabagh" - V.Naumov, S.Abbasov, B. lich (H.Iskenderov), A.Mamedov, M.Orudjov (R.Huseynov), V.Haqverdiyev, R.Huseynov, X.Mardanov, H.Damir, M.Huseynov, K.Karimov.
"Qarabagh-2" - A.Salimov, F.Xudadatov, N.Yusifov, R. liyev, .Xasayl, Y.Yaqubov, F.Huseynov, F.Haqverdiyev, O.Bashirov. İsmayılov, .Beraya.
As soon as game has begun pressing game of players "Qarabagh" against youth gave the result. After the pass of Mubariz Hakan has sent a ball in to the gate. On 11 minute Samir from the second attempt has sent a ball in a gate of the opponent after unsuccessful impact of Kenan. In replacements left on field Irakliy Beraya has reduced the account. However the judge concidered its position outside of game. On 35 minute the goal owing to game Kenan and Vasif has been hammered: 3-0.
In the second time on a floor instead of Mubariz has left Ramiz and at once it пасс has been transformed to goal of Kenan. Then Ramiz has scored a goal 5-0. Not looking at this desire of youth to score a goal it was great also they have achieved it in the middle of a time. Akshin which has left on a floor in the second time could reduce the account - 5:1. However after that Kenan has hammered in two more goals and so - 7:1.