6 Oct 2006
In national championship there was a break because of selection round of the championship of the Europe. What to take advantage of this moment Football Club" Qarabagh" gathering has gathered on training. Training process will begin with 10/5/2006 and will proceed in current of 10 days. The command is measured to spend to day two trainings and two three friendly matches. The first game takes place 06.10.06 with a command "Qarabagh-2". And other opponents are not known yet as negotiations with them are still conducted.
Problems with structure should be solved. Azer and Iraklii in full force participate in training process. Slobodan damaged on game with command "Neftchi" too has adjoined trainings. In structure of a command there are no only four football players participating in a national combined team. Gogi do not have problems with operation and it needs to pass regenerative process only...
The representative of our first group "Qarabagh-2" gives all attention to game with a command "Qarabagh" which takes place in Sunday 17:00 in stadium "Shafa".