9 Aug 2006


In the newspaper “Football +” dated from 8/8/2006 behind number 119 (1216) clause under the name “ the Ambiguity with Azer Djabbarov has been given to a reader s audience is not solved ”. We were very much disturbed with a mention of our club in confusion in some dirty transactions, and it became the reason of the application of the point of view: 1. The citation from clause: “Removalof Djabbarov in the end of the first round was consequence not physical readiness, and was consequence the mention of its name in sale and purchase of game. At that time Azer in interview to press has declared the following. “Qarabagh” – Azer – sale and purchase of game” has again risen on the agenda. This time in other form. From the information received from a source which has not wished the instruction of a name to be spoken, that Azer is eliminated not because of participation in sale and purchase of game, and absolutely in other occasion... ” As we ask Football Club "Qarabagh" and we demand from all bodies of the information to not use our name unsubstantially level with dirty transactions! For everyone “NOT WISH TO NAME ITS NAME”, it will not be allowed to use of a name of our command in such sorts dirty transactions, and it will be in case of need demanded names of a source of the information. If it we shall not achieve, we shall demand an official apology from the publication published such before our Football Club "Qarabagh"! 2. One more citation: “... As speak, the General director of Club " Qarabagh " Emrah Chelikel and Murat Karaman (it is not known its posts) were engaged in payoff of game and learned about it Azer Djapparov, Namik Hasanov and one more which football player of a name we do not know, have been discharged from a command. Once again we shall note, that it is not the fact, only that that we have heard it. ” – we football Club " Qarabagh " are very disturbed by a mention of our name in that sort dirty transactions. Also we wish to declare that any publication respecting should bear the responsibility for each word, having the facts to distribute the information only for increase in circulation of the newspaper. As well as to be spoken in clause it is not the fact so, the use of such charges in the publication which is looked through by a football audience, causes extreme surprise. 3. Here the official point of view: “Very ridiculously it turns out. Such is not present. Where from whom you have heard lead it to us, we shall talk to it personally. It is easy to start hearings. ” And the aforesaid is words of our Director of Club dealing in given clause. We wait...


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