8 Apr 2006
This estimation has been stated Press to Service of our team on the part of workers of press...
This with this heading article of the newspaper "Football +" devoted to a site of our club, which is famous for its special sign has left.
We are pleased with what on the part of press is stated such estimation of activity of ours the Internet of a site which is the most operative and important way to transfer the information on club. Estimation of us as the best and allocation of our site among others is familiar that we on a true way and to too time is familiar that the bridge between press and club is constructed in a true direction. It once again gives us stimulus for development and corrections of all lacks.
We represent you this article in the original form:
The wish of that in case of that if financial support of clubs of the country will increase, clubs become professional in every respect and have remained desires of those who so thought. Sites of clubs working the Internet with, at least, 3-5 workers which operate in press to service remain only in dreams. But it is impossible to tell only about one team. Thanking only to one employee of club who has failed to take a champion s title on a field the Internet a site of this club became the indispensable champion in our country, and also it is typical and on open spaces of CIS.
It is necessary to recognize, what even in Russia and in Ukraine sites not at all clubs exist in English. And the site of club "Garabagh" on a line with national language besides operates in English and on Russian languages. And How...
As against sites of other clubs which are updated only then when about н6их recollect a site of club "Garabagh" the reporting and in addition video the information on all heads, the information in press and as the information on all football players and – all this is allocated with efficiency and quality only on a site of club "Garabagh" differs the efficiency occurrence of the information on the report of a match. Entering in a forum and asked a question on a team it is possible to receive the answer already after 2-3 hour.
And in a new season the secretary press service Asif Askerov is full of desire to carry out the new idea. In this case it will be possible to observe game of team "Garabagh" directly from an official site. Whereas other teams can carry out video-online only in 3-4 years. Simply due to desire and work.