Game has begun equally fast attack of both team. It was felt, that commands send on a floor with greater desire of a victory. The first to carry out this desire the command "Qarabagh" has tried. Hakan Demir has left on a penal field from pass Vaqif Cavadov on 13-th minute. After pass Hakan, Kenan Kerimov was not possible to reach a ball. The answer of the contender has not kept itself waiting long. Pass of Rzayev on 19-th minute of game has turned out dangerous. But fast reaction Cahangir has left danger. On 23-rd minute pass between Aslan, Namiq and Kenan have crowned inexact impact of the last. Since this minute our command, having taken hold of a midfield has pressed rivals to their “gate”. One more episode has fallen to 33-rd minute of game. Vaqif a passed back, instead of impact by a ball on a penal floor has made attack senseless. The account has not opened, despite of attacks from our command.
In the second part of game, both commands have received chance to be scored. Bamqura with tet-a-tet Caqa on 70-th minute has ended successfully for our goalkeeper. Further with excellent impact Tagim Novruzov also has excellently consulted Rauf Mehdiyev. In spite of the fact that our command played much better than rival the account was defined as - 0 : 0.