13 Aug 2005


Before the match captains of the both teams hoisted the flag of the Republic of Azerbaijan to the sound of the hymn of Azerbaijan on the occasion of beginning XIV national Championship. "Turan" started the match. On the 2nd minute the goalkeeper managed to catch Azar Chabbarov’s kick at a distance of 20 meters. On the 5th minute pass of Mubariz Oruchov was dangerous for directing towards the goal. The response came immediately. On the 15th minute J.Demevo receiving the ball on the penalty area directed it to the far corner: 1:0. Afterwards the match became tenser. On the 20th minute Denis Sokolovski’s kick missed the goal. On the 22nd minute Vasif Haqverdiyev didn’t allow Ayxan Abbasov to remain face-to-face with Kovalyov. On the 26th minute Azar Cabbarov’s dribbling from the center ended in a kick. But E.Poladov didn’t let a goal by jumping. On the 28th minute Aslan Karimov received a yellow card for disobeying the referee. On the 32th minute Denis’s pass was completed by Mushfiq Huseynov’s kick. "Garabagh" got it at the end of the first time. Our new transfer Sergey Kravchenko passing the defense of the rival scored a goal at a distance of 22-25 meters: 1-1. In the second time the wish o the rivals to score a goal made them frequently lose the ball. And this lead to changing the score in favor of "Garabagh". But attempts of Azar, Mubariz, Denis, Aslan had no results. In exchange was nonobjective to our team. The referee who showed heaps of yellow cards to our players even managed to connive at the blow of Asen Nikolovun towards our footballer. Because... the zeal of the referee grew so stronger that he turned into the 12th footballer on the ground. On the 80th minute reasonless penalty kick was assigned to us. When this endeavor was unsuccessful he added 5 minutes to the match. Despite of that when 4 referees showed the boards the time was already passed. HDURING THE REFEREE’S TIME at the last minute Vasif Haqverdiyev turned his back to Asen Nikolovun thinking that he would kick. At this time Bu deliberately fall on the ground. This was sufficient for the referee to score the second goal! Lets remember what we write on table: we – footballers played biz, they - ... won. Bravo.... ... "Garabagh" in this match in Tovuz with "Turan" was applauded by the fans "Turan". They became witnesses of how "Garabagh" didn’t lose its greatness. But it’s pity that...


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